Website Payment Terms
Payment for bookings on the website to be made at the time booking using electronic payment.
Notice of Cancellation
24 hours’ notice is required for all cancellations of facility hire; failure to notify us of cancellation in the allotted time will result in charges being made to you or your organisation / club. A flat fee of £10.00 will be made for areas that have had no preparation (i.e. refreshments) and a charge of £15.00 will be made for areas that have been serviced (i.e. refreshments provided and the cost of refreshments ordered).
Use of Premises and Maximum Permitted Numbers
The premises can only be used for the purpose specified at the time of booking. It shall be the responsibility of the hirer in consultation with the centre staff to make sure that the premises are suitable for the purpose of which it is hired. The hirer will be responsible for the management of the event / activity and will also be responsible for any costs associated with damage or loss. The centre manager or their representative shall have the right to refuse or stop any activity which contravenes the organisations policies and procedures including PREVENT and equal opportunities policy. Hirers must take out adequate insurance to cover activities being undertaken and provide a copy of this to centre staff. The hire is responsible for leaving the premises in a condition satisfactory to centre staff.
Conditions When Hiring Equipment.
All equipment must only be used for the purpose specified. The hirer must ensure that only competent persons operate the equipment. Any equipment hired / borrowed from the Grove should be returned by the specified time and in the same condition as it was when it was collected. If you are unable to return the equipment on time or it has been damaged, is defective or is stolen you must contact the Grove as soon as possible in order to arrange repair / replacement at the hirer’s expense.
The hirer shall not assign, sub-let or part with possession of the benefit of this agreement.
Equipment Brought into the Facility
The hirer must seek agreement from The Grove for any equipment they intend to bring onto the premises for their own use. The hirer must ensure that the equipment is adequately supervised and is used for the correct purposes, is in a good state of repair and has had all necessary safety checks, particularly in regard to electrical equipment. The hirer must also have adequate insurance to cover for the use of personal equipment on The Grove premises, the documentation must be able to be seen by the centre manager or representative.
Loss Injury Damage Clause
It shall be the responsibility of the hirer to pay The Grove the cost of making good any loss or damage caused to the premises, furniture, fittings or equipment as a result of the hiring. The Grove will not be responsible for damage or loss to any personal property.
Health and Safety
In the interests of health and safety, all hirers are required to co-operate with both staff and other users. The activity will only be allowed to go ahead when all fire exits are completely clear and a risk assessment has been done by the hirer. Guests / users must be made aware of the evacuation procedures, which can be found near reception. Noise must be kept to an acceptable level. If the hirer refuses to reduce the noise level, the activity will be terminated immediately.